Bureaucrat Clergy wags finger at Deniers.


Stephen Hart


I’ve been alive for the blink of an eye.

So I’ve been here for all of the post 1960's cooling and warming panics. “The coming Ice Age” in the 1970's. “Global Warming” in the early 2000's. And the Orwellian moniker currently popular with political, media, and pop culture group-think bullies… “Climate Change”. How convenient.

If these Nannies with their quasi-religious hectoring and end times prophecies were truly concerned, they’d abandon all their stuff and go live in the woods.

But they’re not and they won’t.

Using fear to stoke knee-jerk emotionalism and panic in the pursuit of money, power, and control isn’t Caring or Environmentalism. It’s megalomania and the complete absence of humility.

Reusing stuff. Fixing things. Repurposing. Recycling*. All great ideas. Not because of some delusion pushed by hypocrites flying around in private jets that in doing so you’re “saving the planet”… but because it’s smart and respectful.

Political and cultural climate alarmists want to re-arrange society with rules that won’t apply to them.

They are frauds.

I remain humbled by the magnificent beauty and unfathomable power of nature. Ever skeptical of those who believe they can control it by controlling us.

Stephen Hart.

P.S. I (sort of) bought the Recycling* myth for a long time. Now I fill the blue bin solely because it rewards the can lady’s hard work.

